Comfort King mats are designed to provide three times more resilience than regular mats. They offer anti-fatigue relief and alleviate stress on your knees, feet, ankle joints, and pressure points that arise from standing for long periods.¶¶Ideal for dry areas – work stations, finishing and assembly stations, cashier stations, pharmacies, hospitals, and care facilities.¶¶· Made with patented Zedlan Anti-fatigue PVC Foam¶· Anti-microbial additives to help prevent mold, mildew, and bacterial growth¶· Reduces fatigue for those working in a standing position by providing softness and support¶· Relieves stress on knee, foot and ankle joint pressure points resulting from standing
Mat Tech Comfort King Black Anti-Fatigue Mat (3′ x 12′)
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Mat Tech Comfort King Black Anti-Fatigue Mat (3' x 12')
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