Scotch-Brite® Surface Preparation Pad Plus is a floor maintenance deep scrubbing pad made of nylon fibre in an open textured, nonwoven construction. Specialized abrasive particles are bonded to the non-woven construction with a durable resin system. SPP Plus provides aggressive deep scrubbing performance while leaving a smooth surface to re-coat. Unique abrasive and construction scuffs surface to create optimal bonding of finish and conforming to uneven surfaces.¶¶Designed to remove soiled top layers of floor finish using water or neutral cleaner instead of harsh stripping chemicals. For use on standard, low speed (175 – 600 rpm) automatic scrubbers, rotary machines and rectangular (orbital) floor. Prepares wood, vinyl tile, sheet vinyl, marble, terrazzo and concrete floors for finish application.¶¶· Clogs less than competitive scrub and recoat pads¶· Does not require the use of a backer pad (confirm pad driver compatibility with machine manufacturer before using without backer pad)¶· Lasts longer than competitive pads and performs better throughout the life of the pad¶· Helps reduce labour hours and material costs related to stripping floors
3M Scotch-Brite Surface Preparation Pad Plus
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3M Scotch-Brite Surface Preparation Pad Plus
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